The Nighttime Novelist...accomplishes more in about 240 pages than a dozen other "how to write" or "craft your novel" books have ever done.

--Helen Gallagher/Blogcritics




About the Author

Joseph Bates is the author of Tomorrowland: Stories (Curbside Splendor, 2013) and The Nighttime Novelist (Writer's Digest, 2010). His fiction and nonfiction have appeared in The RumpusThe South Carolina Review, Identity Theory, Lunch Hour Stories, The Cincinnati Review, Shenandoah, and Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market.  He holds a Ph.D. in comparative literature with an emphasis in creative writing from the University of Cincinnati and teaches in the creative writing program at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.

Visit the author online at or contact him at batesjr[at]

In the mood for a story?  
Read "Mirrorverse" in The Rumpus or "How We Made A Difference" in Identity Theory.